Monday, February 18, 2008

Animals and Advertising...

Quick shots/Hot Links – my magical formula for advertising. I work in advertising, but don’t create ads and never have so this formula isn’t from many years of expertise. Instead, this came to me because I am very goofy mid 20-something who is amused easily. Without further ado…

Let the Geico Gecko introduce the foundations of my theory:

To create the perfect TV commercial that will be remembered you need two of four things:

1. Funny children
2. Alcohol or clowns
3. Foreign accents
4. MOST IMPORTANT: Animals (preferably small talking animals)

Three cases to back up my theory:
#1 – e-Trade commercials - During the Super Bowl where the talking baby reveals he has done so well on the market using e-Trade that he can afford to have a clown on full-time stand by. Nothing beats the baby’s line – “I really underestimated the creepiness[of the clown]”

#2 – Any Geico lizard commercial. All of them are funny because the lizard is so nonchalantly speaking with a wonderful British accent. Among my favorites:

Free Pie & Chips – “It’s pie, with chips, for free!”

English Muffin
– “They literally hand you a toasted muffin with butter and jam”
Honorable mention: Bridgestone screaming squirrel commercial and Aflac duck commercials

#3: Any Bud or Bud Light commercials. Consistently funny commercials:

Bud Light Swear Jar – No need to describe this one.
Bud Light – “Fetch Fergus"

Honorable mention: Brazillian Fighting Cockatoo

And the all time best commercials:
Geico lizard having a full conversation with a sea otter on display at a zoo who refuses to share his clams…fantastic.

Bud Light Squirrel
– “Walter, watch my Bud Light”

Kinda makes everyone want a pet squirrel or talking gecko doesn’t it?


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