Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Holiday Drinking Circuit

So I haven’t been keep up with my posting responsibility as of late so I have put the photo to the right to make up for it. That's Miranda Kerr - absolutely amazing – but I do have two reasons.
1. Work & School have been killing me lately (and no, I am not getting my grad degree in Marine Biology, but that would be cool)
2. A massive creative drought – no theories, weird curves, acronyms or stuff that got me thinking. I have learned in advertising that “all great ideas come in the shower or on the bus” – and I had an epiphany of ideas in the shower the other day which will fill the week…

So lets do some SAT work:

Group 1: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Independence Day
Group 2: Thanksgiving Eve, New Year’s, St Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo

Now what’s the difference between the two groups? Obvious they are both lists of holidays, but they are different. How so DP? Well here we go on another theory…

The first group lists the tradition holidays that most everyone and kids enjoy, and for the majority of them kids get excited. Running down the stairs on Christmas or Easter morning, having a big dinner on Thanksgiving with everyone, or taking the long family vacation during the week of July 4th. All good times and the most popular holidays for the majority of Americans – except those in the 18 – 30 age range. They rock the second list of holidays.

The second list of holidays are what younger folks look forward to – not because they mean a day off of work (sometimes), but because they comprise the alcoholic holiday list – more appropriately named the Holiday Drinking Circuit (just think the classiness of the PGA tour mixed with booze of NASCAR). Just think about it. How excited are you when these holidays approach. You look forward to them more than Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter

Thanksgiving Eve: Come home see the family, eat a nice home-cooked meal, but the highlight of the night is heading out your hometown bar with similar friends who are coming home for the weekend. You run into everyone you went to school with, exes all the while trying to seem like you have made the best of yourself – best job, gf/bf etc etc. Meanwhile, everyone is getting slammed. A great night – biggest bar night in America and one you never miss.

New Years: Really don’t need much description here. You make New Year’s plans in September long before you even know where you are eating Thanksgiving. Never has so much pressure to have the most amazing night been put on one night – the second most prevalent single’s awareness night (after V-day) where heavy drinking slowly melts away the levels of uncomfortableness….Auld Lang Syne…

St. Patrick’s Day:
In my opinion the best event in the “Holiday Drinking Race Circuit”. Now I am just about as American-born Irish possible, embracing Irish culture all year long – and I have no problem that everyone pretends to be Irish on St. Pats. The more the merrier. The highlight of St. Pats – the parades spread out through all of March. On each of these parade days, it is adult Christmas. Drinking starts earlier in the morning (even as early as 7AM at some parades) and all the 20’s year olds go to bed the Friday night before with the same excitement as little Johnny on Christmas eve – they can’t wait for morning to come because they go straight to hitting the bottle or beer can. Truly fantastic.

Cinco de Mayo: Never before have I seen such a non-American holiday embraced so much for two simple reasons – Corona & Margaritas. I tend to think that Jose Cuervo invented this holiday to boost sales, but regardless young folks pile in droves to bars that embrace some weak Mexican decorations or themes to entice everyone to drink tons. The best version I saw was girls in bikinis serving drinks all night. Cheap. Trashy. My kind of style.

So next time a holiday comes up – think which group it falls into and how much you will be drinking.

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