Friday, February 29, 2008

Rock, Paper, Martini???

This special abbreviated blog is brought to you by the fact that I am dead tired at work. DP, why are you so tired? Well to get read for Saturday’s St. Pat’s festivities I decided to go out and have a couple of beers. A couple of beers turned into:

Entering an official Rock-Paper-Scissor tournament winning 5 straight matches (1 against Tuna Titan) and making it to the finals only to lose to a hot blond, who had to have some kind of ESP abilities because she killed me. I lost the chance to get a $50 iTunes card, but did get Myspaced/Facebook stalked by her friend first thing this morning – kinda creepy being I only told her my name (which is always spelled wrong) on my way out of the bar.

Entering another competition where two Absolut girls challenged you to create the best drink. Finally my time to shine. Here is what took the grand prize (of a medium t-shirt):

The Drunken Polar Bear Martini

Chilled Absolut Vanilla vodka
2 dashes of mint schnapps
1-2 dashed of blue Curacao
1 York Peppermint Patty

Frosty, minty and refreshing as the snow of the south pole…..yum

The night ended with some serious playing of Rock Band where I learned Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” is hard to play on the guitar…

Brrr…..Beer (or special DP martinis)

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