Thursday, February 7, 2008

Starting Things Off

OK….first post. This is a blog obviously and welcome to the four readers I have told to read it. Any others – welcome to the hysteria, entropy, and idiocy that is my mind. In that nature how bout a little 1:1 with me to get things started. So for the first post, I am going to interview myself.

Why the blog?
Why not…well that’s not the best answer so let me elaborate. I am goofy, very goofy. Most of the time my goofiness is confined to my own pysche and inner monologue (think of Zach Braff’s character talking to himself on Scrubs and that’s me), but now and then I venture to voice these thoughts. Most of the thoughts are laughed at and inane, but now and then I stumble upon a good theory, analogy or story. And what kind of guy would I be if I didn’t share these thoughts with you…

Who is the Drunk Polar Bear?
Well that is a complicated story, but in short I am the Polar Bear and now and then I tend to drink thus becoming the Drunk Polar Bear and also the time when I have all my good thoughts.

And the blog will be about what?
Anything and everything. Social theories, funny analogies, stories, observations, jokes, whatever crosses my mind.

What makes this junk different than other blogs?
Nothing….yet. But if you stay tuned something might just grab your eye.

Do you really have a split personality?
No, but isn’t it fun to write something as a drunk polar bear? Animals are funny (as all the Super Bowl Ads indicate) and drinking, in my opinion is fun as well some days.

Any other questions – nope and on with the show.

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