Friday, February 29, 2008

Rock, Paper, Martini???

This special abbreviated blog is brought to you by the fact that I am dead tired at work. DP, why are you so tired? Well to get read for Saturday’s St. Pat’s festivities I decided to go out and have a couple of beers. A couple of beers turned into:

Entering an official Rock-Paper-Scissor tournament winning 5 straight matches (1 against Tuna Titan) and making it to the finals only to lose to a hot blond, who had to have some kind of ESP abilities because she killed me. I lost the chance to get a $50 iTunes card, but did get Myspaced/Facebook stalked by her friend first thing this morning – kinda creepy being I only told her my name (which is always spelled wrong) on my way out of the bar.

Entering another competition where two Absolut girls challenged you to create the best drink. Finally my time to shine. Here is what took the grand prize (of a medium t-shirt):

The Drunken Polar Bear Martini

Chilled Absolut Vanilla vodka
2 dashes of mint schnapps
1-2 dashed of blue Curacao
1 York Peppermint Patty

Frosty, minty and refreshing as the snow of the south pole…..yum

The night ended with some serious playing of Rock Band where I learned Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” is hard to play on the guitar…

Brrr…..Beer (or special DP martinis)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blogging St. Pats

Well as you can see in my previous post - I love St. Patrick's day and I kick off the St. Patrick's season (which is 2-4 parades and lots of green) this Saturday with the Hoboken parade. Drinking will start when I roll out of bed and grab a Harp bottle from my fridge and go all day.

More out of my own curiousity and wanting to experiment I am going to record the entire day's events and compile it into one blog. No I am not going to walk around with a laptop or run back and forth between parties/bars and my apt. I am going to send hourly text messages to my email account. As I suspect I will be drunk for 12 hours this is going to be hilarious....

The over under on how many girls I offend is at 9, but I would love to take bets...

Thats a Kerry Gaelic football jersey - which I love and will be wearing all day.

Holiday Drinking Circuit

So I haven’t been keep up with my posting responsibility as of late so I have put the photo to the right to make up for it. That's Miranda Kerr - absolutely amazing – but I do have two reasons.
1. Work & School have been killing me lately (and no, I am not getting my grad degree in Marine Biology, but that would be cool)
2. A massive creative drought – no theories, weird curves, acronyms or stuff that got me thinking. I have learned in advertising that “all great ideas come in the shower or on the bus” – and I had an epiphany of ideas in the shower the other day which will fill the week…

So lets do some SAT work:

Group 1: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Independence Day
Group 2: Thanksgiving Eve, New Year’s, St Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo

Now what’s the difference between the two groups? Obvious they are both lists of holidays, but they are different. How so DP? Well here we go on another theory…

The first group lists the tradition holidays that most everyone and kids enjoy, and for the majority of them kids get excited. Running down the stairs on Christmas or Easter morning, having a big dinner on Thanksgiving with everyone, or taking the long family vacation during the week of July 4th. All good times and the most popular holidays for the majority of Americans – except those in the 18 – 30 age range. They rock the second list of holidays.

The second list of holidays are what younger folks look forward to – not because they mean a day off of work (sometimes), but because they comprise the alcoholic holiday list – more appropriately named the Holiday Drinking Circuit (just think the classiness of the PGA tour mixed with booze of NASCAR). Just think about it. How excited are you when these holidays approach. You look forward to them more than Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter

Thanksgiving Eve: Come home see the family, eat a nice home-cooked meal, but the highlight of the night is heading out your hometown bar with similar friends who are coming home for the weekend. You run into everyone you went to school with, exes all the while trying to seem like you have made the best of yourself – best job, gf/bf etc etc. Meanwhile, everyone is getting slammed. A great night – biggest bar night in America and one you never miss.

New Years: Really don’t need much description here. You make New Year’s plans in September long before you even know where you are eating Thanksgiving. Never has so much pressure to have the most amazing night been put on one night – the second most prevalent single’s awareness night (after V-day) where heavy drinking slowly melts away the levels of uncomfortableness….Auld Lang Syne…

St. Patrick’s Day:
In my opinion the best event in the “Holiday Drinking Race Circuit”. Now I am just about as American-born Irish possible, embracing Irish culture all year long – and I have no problem that everyone pretends to be Irish on St. Pats. The more the merrier. The highlight of St. Pats – the parades spread out through all of March. On each of these parade days, it is adult Christmas. Drinking starts earlier in the morning (even as early as 7AM at some parades) and all the 20’s year olds go to bed the Friday night before with the same excitement as little Johnny on Christmas eve – they can’t wait for morning to come because they go straight to hitting the bottle or beer can. Truly fantastic.

Cinco de Mayo: Never before have I seen such a non-American holiday embraced so much for two simple reasons – Corona & Margaritas. I tend to think that Jose Cuervo invented this holiday to boost sales, but regardless young folks pile in droves to bars that embrace some weak Mexican decorations or themes to entice everyone to drink tons. The best version I saw was girls in bikinis serving drinks all night. Cheap. Trashy. My kind of style.

So next time a holiday comes up – think which group it falls into and how much you will be drinking.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bagels - Men vs. Women

Being a responsible one on this Saturday morning I got up early and went to the gym. This was more the result of my roommate going early and just catching a ride so I wouldn’t have to trek the mile to the gym in the snow. On the way home I stopped for bagels at my favorite deli. I am online behind this adorable little blond woman. She places her order:

“Could I get a sausage, egg and cheese on an everything bagel?” [in a bit of a southern, timid drawl]

Immediately I am in love because not only is that my de facto breakfast sandwich, but here is this little girl ordering a hearty breakfast. My hopes were immediately crushed when she continued her order:

“And a whole wheat bagel, scooped out, with low-fat vegetable cream cheese.”

Dammmmmnn. So the first order was for her boyfriend and the second order for her. Oh well. At least I will be getting some good bagels for breakfast. I get back in the car, talk to Tuna Titan and he brings up a good point. Why do women always order food that seems like it tastes like cardboard, while men really don’t care that much? Let me elaborate.

The southern bagel hottie essentially ordered a little whole wheat bagel with chemically altered vegetable-infused watery cream cheese. Although I am not a doctor, I have a pretty thorough background in the sciences and nutrition. Her order will only be moderately healthier than a regular bagel with cream cheese. Yet women (most, not all) continue to place orders like this is delis, dinners and fancy restaurants. Starbucks has even gone so far as to offer a skinny (diet) option to all of their fancy drinks. Why do they do this??? I really don’t know, but I guess it is like when guys who will be binging drinking all night drink Bud Light instead of Bud because it is healthier. It is really not healthier, but makes everyone feel better. Take a couple examples:

Deli Lunch
Guy: Ham & cheese with mayo, chips and a soda
Girl: Turkey, lettuce, honey mustard in a 7 grain pita with soy chips and a diet coke

Fast Food McDonalds
Guy: Big Mac value meal
Girl: Walnut & raisn salad with low-fat Italian dressing, yogurt and diet coke

Dinner (at an American/Pub restaurant)
Guy: Buffalo bites (appetizer), burger/sandwich, fries and a couple beers
Girls: Salad, some sort of low fat chicken breast or soup

NOTE: This is the case MOST of the time, not ALL of the time. There are always exceptions to the rule when guys order healthy. Even better is when a girl orders a full rack of ribs and a thick lager. However, most can agree this is the norm.

I don’t get why there is such disparity between the sexes. Men and women exercise about the same amount, and probably women exercise more as they get older. Men don’t burn that many more calories a day and aren’t generally fatter than women. It is a culinary anomaly that I have a brief theory about. Men eat burgers and all that crap, but generally eat normally/healthy when they aren’t out. I personally eat healthy 90% of the time when I am making my own food and stray when I go out, especially for Johnny Rockets. Women as a whole, seem to be much more self conscious about their body so they try and eat healthy all of the time. Trying to eat healthy 24/7 can’t be good for anyone mentally. It leads to binges of ice cream, chocolate, chips and martinis. I tried to give up alcohol for Lent last year and wound up going on a drunken parade the week Lent ended. The lesson from all of this – moderation. Have a bagel with normal cream cheese, just don’t have a burger every night.

Disclaimer: as a pretty dumb guy, I apologize to any and all women who think my assumptions are wrong. They can’t be that wrong though….

Monday, February 18, 2008

Animals and Advertising...

Quick shots/Hot Links – my magical formula for advertising. I work in advertising, but don’t create ads and never have so this formula isn’t from many years of expertise. Instead, this came to me because I am very goofy mid 20-something who is amused easily. Without further ado…

Let the Geico Gecko introduce the foundations of my theory:

To create the perfect TV commercial that will be remembered you need two of four things:

1. Funny children
2. Alcohol or clowns
3. Foreign accents
4. MOST IMPORTANT: Animals (preferably small talking animals)

Three cases to back up my theory:
#1 – e-Trade commercials - During the Super Bowl where the talking baby reveals he has done so well on the market using e-Trade that he can afford to have a clown on full-time stand by. Nothing beats the baby’s line – “I really underestimated the creepiness[of the clown]”

#2 – Any Geico lizard commercial. All of them are funny because the lizard is so nonchalantly speaking with a wonderful British accent. Among my favorites:

Free Pie & Chips – “It’s pie, with chips, for free!”

English Muffin
– “They literally hand you a toasted muffin with butter and jam”
Honorable mention: Bridgestone screaming squirrel commercial and Aflac duck commercials

#3: Any Bud or Bud Light commercials. Consistently funny commercials:

Bud Light Swear Jar – No need to describe this one.
Bud Light – “Fetch Fergus"

Honorable mention: Brazillian Fighting Cockatoo

And the all time best commercials:
Geico lizard having a full conversation with a sea otter on display at a zoo who refuses to share his clams…fantastic.

Bud Light Squirrel
– “Walter, watch my Bud Light”

Kinda makes everyone want a pet squirrel or talking gecko doesn’t it?


Really? You are wearing that to the gym?

So everyone goes to the gym now and then. I personally belong to a New York Sports Club which is fantastic because they have tons of machines and TVs on all the cardio machines. Makes working out that much easier. But I am not writing about my love of mini televisions on top of treadmills. That is simply a given. I have a separate bone to pick on this stormy Monday…

I wake up early on this day off from work and figure I will head to my gym to get a good work out. After throwing on some old athletic shorts and a long sleeve Under Armour shirt I got running a race a while back, I am jogging the 1+ miles to my gym (it is so nice inside its worth the jog). Since most everyone else has off from work it’s kinda crowded at 10:30AM. A lot of people probably had the same idea as me in getting a workout in during the AM. But this morning, more than any other gym trip, I was so blown away by what some people wear to the gym.

I will acknowledge that I live in Hoboken, NJ where there tends to be a lot more NJ Italians (no offense to anyone), but this morning was just ridiculous. There I was in front of the dumbbells and there are surrounding me dressed like morons. Let me elaborate. I have shorts, sneakers and an old long sleeve shirt on. Nothing special. Now and then I will wear a sleeveless shirt when I go to the gym and readily admit that I check myself out when I do bicep curls – call it natural vanity of a pasty white kid. But the guys this morning were ridiculous. Abercrombie and Armani track pants – OK maybe not that bad. Track pants are track pants and comfortable nonetheless. But designer t-shirts that are 2 sizes two small with gold chains hanging from their neck? If not that, then pre-cut sleevless t-shirts from Abercrombie. Even more accentuated by those trendy military hats, sweat bands on each forearm, a cell phone clipped to the pants and the newest Ipod on a designer armband…absolutely ridiculous. Is this a gym or a runway during fashion week???

No one sweats so much lifting weights that they need armbands. And is 1 hour too long to go without having your cell phone handy?? Are the paparazzi coming to the gym, thus requiring the best of dressing?? Are clothes that meaningless to you that you wear Armani to the gym?? Most of all the irks me is that these gym fashionistas spend over an hour in the gym, but only do 3 or 4 exercises because the majority of their time is spent flirting with girls or bull-shitting with their buddies. Granted these goofballs pay the same monthly fee that I do and have equal right to work out, but for God’s sake – quite dressing like wannabe European models…you don’t look cool…you look like a jackass.

Post Script
Women are also prone to dressing like jackasses at the gym when they wear matching velvet tracksuits in pastel colors, hoop earrings, or too much makeup. It happens, but for the most part they dress the part and sometimes look damnn hot


Friday, February 15, 2008

Country Music - Why Not??

Hope everyone enjoyed their V-Day, even though it was the first post-less day in a bit for the Drunk Polar Bear. Before we dive into the exciting topic of a country music I am proud to announce a Drunk Polar Bear first!:

Road-blogging! (no its not a dirty sexual act all you perverts). I am going to be spending the weekend in Philly with Tuna Titan, Trackpants & Trackpants’ lovely girlfriend Darling Doctor. As long as Trackpants allows me to commandeer his laptop for a bit on Saturday and Sunday I guarantee some very interesting, alcohol-fueled stories.

OK – so after about a week of thinking about it, its finally here. My first of many country music posts which an unexpected stream of good posts held up. Again I know what you are thinking:

“DP, what are your really going to tell us about country music?”
Probably nothing new, and I will have no new theories, acronyms of geometric curves. Just some straight shooting of opinions. However, I had the honor of speaking with Trackpants this afternoon and he told me to keep the posts a little shorter so I am going to give that a try.

“What kind of music do you like?”
“Everything but country music”

Why does everyone have to hate on country music? Country music is great. Like really great. I think everyone should understand it’s my favorite type of music. It tells actually stories that can be comical, upbeat, reflective or downright depressing. It is music with a message. I’ll share some favorites at the end of the post.

Country music isn’t the twangy, hillbilly, square dancing music anymore. It is mainstream, has a new modern spin, and is picking up momentum. Its’ women are beautiful (Faith Hill, Carrie Underwood, Kellie Pickler, Taylor Swift, Miranda Lambert, Danielle Peck…the list goes on) and the men are badass or laid back (Dierks Bentley, Gary Allan, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith). They incorporate electric guitars or intimate solos. Their music videos are always fun to watch. It is a music that spans across genres.

And country concerts…OH MY GOD. I have been to country music concerts in Pennsylvania (NEPA & Philly), NY, NJ, and Iowa. Country music concerts are, in my opinion, an assembly of what is most perfect and god-given in the universe:

All-day tailgating
Good old American beer and food
Great Music
Nice, courteous drunk people

And…the most wonderful thing in the world – young women geared out in the country getup. Brown boots, short short short denim skirt, halter top/tiny t-shirt and a straw hat. Bud Light in their hand, smile on their face, and a bit of an southern accent in their voice. Perfection at its highest. It’s like God molded the perfect woman, and told her country music is the path to salvation. I agree God. Big props to you for sending this lovely class of women down to us. I am sure these women could bring about world peace if they really wanted to. No one every turns them down. I am surprised the UN hasn’t started recruiting these young ladies.

And a special treat…a look into some great country songs…

Any Johnny Cash Song – but does any one song stick out more than “Folsom Prison Blues”. It was recorded in goddam Folsom and you can hear the inmates cheer as Cash gets them stirred up.

The very famous George Straight song “All My Exes Live in Texas” is fantastic because he hangs his hat in Tennessee…

Kenny Chesney’s (who I have seen 3 times) great midwestern sex song – “She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy” – I don’t have to say anymore about that.

Brooke & Dunn’s “Believe” If that song doesn’t touch your soul even a little bit, you aren’t human at all…

Angry Women Category
Miranda Lambert’s multiple angry girl/explosion songs – “Kerosene” (she burns a guys house down for cheating on her) & “Gunpowder & Lead” (Arson wasn’t enough, now she is turning to explosions and bullets)

Although it went ultra-pop, Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats” is a very clear warning to men not to cheat on girls who own Louisville sluggers, especially if you own a Red Pickup truck. On her new CD, Underwood matches this song with a new one – “My Last Name” which basically recaps a night in which she got hammered, met a guy and got married in Vegas and of course doesn’t know her new last name.

Gretchen Wilson just has too many songs in this category to name, but she is pretty badass.

Personal Fav’s/New Classics
Miranda Lambert, Chesney, & Underwood make this category easily, but why not add some more.

Anything by Sugarland – even before they became Sugarland and it was just the lead singer, Jennifer Nettles. She is the most amazing vocalist, songwriter, female musician I have seen in my lifetime hands down. They are just unstoppable.

Dierks Bentley became famous with “What Was I Thinking” – the instant classic tune of what a hot girl in a tight white tank top can make a man do. This is also a personal favorite to sing karaoke too. Trackpants can vouch for this because we have rocked it out on several occasions to this song. If you have the chace also check out “Long Trip Alone”, “Trying to Stop Your Leaving” & “Settle for a Slowdown” – absolutely fantastic.

Anything by Gary Allan – despite not fitting the country mold he writes some great songs. (He is from Bakersfield California, has at least 10 tattoos and has had mounds of troubles in his life)


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What Flavor of Valentine's Day Are You?

A Drunken Polar Bear first – blogging from work. Not too risky if you are sitting at your desk, cubicle or tucked away in an office. Maybe less risky if you are in a meeting/conference room pretending to reply to emails on your laptop. But that would be too safe for the drunken polar bear. I am sitting at one of the coffee bars we have at work. Yes – we have coffee bars, and this particular one is equipped with two fancy Swiss super coffee machines that rival the Starbucks selling capabilities. What’s even better about this particular post is that I am furiously typing on a memo template so it looks like I am deep in the throws of an important argument. Little do they know…

(I was initially planning on writing a blog about my love of country music especially because I finally got the new (or somewhat new) Dierks Bentley album and it is amazing with two songs that are some of the best I have heard in years. However, in the spirit of Valentine’s day why not write of the lovely single’s awareness holiday.)

But why Drunken Polar Bear would you dare to sit in a public space while writing a post. One reason – Valentine’s grams. Yea – like the kind you bought and sent in grammar school. We are selling them at work, proving even further my previous post – I work in a high school. I am selling them as party of a charity thing we are doing here at work to raise money for heart health. Yes – every now and then I am altruistic and want to promote good health and raise money for charity. Plus it makes me look real good.

So having Valentine grams at work adds a completely whole new aspect to Valentine’s Day because maybe some work crushes or scandals will be revealed. Even better is that I get to deliver some of them and uncover some really good gossip. Gossip is always fun in any company, but here at my job it is like cigarettes in prison. Like the Marlboro Red’s that 8-finger’s Eddie still can’t managed to sneak into the joint despite greasing 5 guards and a truck driver. Gossip opens doors and get stuff done. You know some good gossip you can easily trade it for favors from other departments. And in advertising favors are huge. Last minute deadlines for ads or commercials spots? Need people to stay late to finish a project? Call in the favors. Want to talk to one of the partners – all they want to hear about is the gossip. Gossip makes the world go round. And a quick point of clarification – I am not talking about the kind of gossip where Mike has a crush on Ann. I am talking about Mike having an affair with Ann who is married, yet Mike is also going at it with the new receptionist, Tammy. This is the good stuff. When I deliver all these Valentine’s Grams I will be the “richest” guy at work and everyone will owe me favors to want to hear the gossip or keep their latest indiscretions quiet. But enough about work – I did that thing yesterday.

Valentine’s day is like Neapolitan ice cream (you know the kind with vanilla, chocolate & strawberry flavors – you used to probably eat it a lot as a kid). Another radical/weird/fun analogy DP? How are you going to pull this one off – just keep reading:

Valentine’s Day – Strawberry Flavor
Strawberry is the sweetest of the three flavors. It is also a pinkest and some people might call this the cutest. Strawberry flavor Valentine’s day is for all those lovers out there. You have a boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé or spouse AND you are looking forward to showing your love to them by getting gifts, taking them to dinner and being romantic. You are the people Hallmark targets when they make all the cards and those dancing animals (who are pretty funny this year). Restaurants and florists bank on you to rake in the big bucks after an abysmal January. The extreme lovers out there may even propose marriage or profess undying love in the form of lots of gold/diamonds or whisk their lovers away to exotic locales. Most likely you will make you co-workers jealous both Valentine’s day and the day after because they will hear of the grandiose plans you have. Also they secretly know you are going to have some great V-day sex that night that is 100% guaranteed and to be top 5 sex of the year. Everyone has had at least one strawberry flavor V-Day (including myself). Most often it is in the first years of a relationship or in your teens when puppy love attacks you like a virus.

Valentine’s Day – Vanilla Flavor
Vanilla is the most common, most chosen of the three flavors. It is a default flavor and everyone can fall back on. It is still sweet, but the blandest of the ice cream flavors. Vanilla flavored V-Day is much the same. It is the most common V-Day experience for the masses. You have a significant other, but it has been for a while so V-Day has lost is luster and excitement. As V-Day approaches, you know what to do because you are a seasoned pro. You run through your personal checklist:

Dinner reservations someplace classy – check
Card, Flower & Chocolate – check
Gift that shows a modicum of thought – check

Well you are all done then. Sit back and watch some TV or read a magazine. You have done everything that is minimally required for V-Day. Like the strawberry flavored individual, you too have a 100% guarantee of sex, but this sex will only be slightly more exciting that your normal weekly coitus. Some lingerie or candles might be involved, but it won’t go beyond that. Overall, V-Day is just another stop on the holiday train for you. Next stop – St. Patrick’s Day! Chooo Chooo!!

Valentine’s Day – Chocolate Flavor
Ah – the last of the boldest of the three flavors. Some say chocolate is for lovers. I say it is for the lovers of life, love, and randomness. Chocolate flavored V-day is for all those without an official valentine. You may not be serious yet with the bf/gf or may just be rocking the bachelor/bachelorette lifestyle. However you slice it, V-day is different for you and unlike the previous two flavors, your V-day experience can take on all shapes and sizes. Some people choose to ignore it and treat it like any other day doing their normal 9-5 shuffle. Other’s express their resentment for not having a valentine by grouping up and heading out to a restaurant or bar to proclaim they don’t need a man/women to make them happen (this is most often the chosen action for groups of women as they dub it a “girl’s night”). Finally, there are those devilish people who acknowledge V-day is single’s awareness day and flock to the bars in mass number plotting to seduce and prey on those weak, innocent, lonely valentine-less (this is almost entirely the case for men). From what I have seen, V-day is right up there with picking up single women at weddings. It’s just too easy and the results are almost entirely bad. I would issue a warning to women, but it won’t do any good – V-day’s powers are just too strong. Overall, the chocolate flavor V-day group has the cheapest, most independent V-day BUT it can also be the most risky.

Well that’s it – the three flavors of V-day according the Drunken Polar Bear. I have sold many Valentine’s grams sitting at this coffee bar so now it’s back to do some actually work, but first one question I know is on all your minds:

“Drunken Polar Bear – what flavor are you this V-Day?”
“Mint-Chocolate Chip with Resses Pieces blended in” – HAHAHAHA


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow Day!

Well folks - its Tuesday and today I may stray from the normal drunken stories to offer commentary on a couple of things I thought of today. Snow. Yea - its snowing a lot right now. The weatherman/hot weather woman said it would be an inch or a dusting so I figured I would be fine when I was coming home from work tonight. I leave work, ride the subway and get on the bus no problems. I get off the bus and holy shit - its like 4 inches of snow and coming down like whoa - like Canadian snow (which falls harder and faster because its angry that in Canada where the only good things are hockey and beer). My nice leather shoes got wet, but it was kinda cool out. But this got me thinking of what you do when it snows.

When you are a kid, snow becomes a mystical force that brings with it snow days - the most holy and precious of unexpected days off. The night before a potential snow day you go to bed with the same excitement of Christmas Eve thinking that Mother Nature will dump some of the white stuff and school will be cancelled. You look out your window when you go to bed ever 5 minutes for snow, but nothing comes. You finally fall asleep, wake up, look out the window and BOOOO YAAAAA! There is a lot of snow, but is school cancelled?? You bolt down the stairs, hopping over dogs and Legos (at least thats what we had as kids) to greet Mom and Dad with such eagerness and hope. SCHOOL IS CANCELLED!. Snow day and its great. You build snow forts, sled, or if you are budding entrepreneur like me and my two brothers (Baseball Banker & CT Cracker) you shoveled driveways for money. When the day was over you came in for hot chocolate and TV. It was an awesome time.

When you are in college, snow days are as rare as good looking sophomore year virgins. Everyone lives on campus, thus it has to snow a hell of a lot for it to be cancelled. When God drops a shitload of snow on the campus, and the announcement of classes cancelled goes out via email, there is a mad dash - not for milk, bread or shovels, but to the nearest beer distributor to grab kegs. Its a dash to the distributor because they normally don't carry the required 75 kegs for a snow day...on a Tuesday morning and thus we have snow kegs. Snow kegs are f'ing awesome because everyone drops whatever they were doing and starts boozing. Libraries and classrooms empty out instantly. Everyone runs home to drop off whatever they have and run outside to play with the same excitement as little kids. Except this is adult playtime. If there is enough snow, the kegs are brought outside (a backyard, porch, or hell - even the front lawn) and packed up to the rim in snow, making them ice cold enough to be in a Coors Light commercial. Drinking starts as people don all kinds of hats, scarfs, gloves and ski attire. A couple hours in, snowball fights break out, and people start mattress sledding (which should easily be considered a sport, especially when you are riding a Sealy Posturepedic). Beer provides magic superpowers making all those who imbibe it immune to the subzero temperature and injuries from falling on ice. The one thing that will never happen is girls walking around in bikinis like in the Coors Light commercial. First off - its cold and girls don't want to be cold. Second - girls that hot only exist in commercials, not in real life. Snow kegs are truly excellent and I miss them very much, especially today.

In the pre-marriage, adult world, snow is not met with any real particular response. You wish for a day off from work, but don't really get your hopes up, instead choosing to leave early to avoid bad traffic. Horrible ugly boots are thrown on to compliment the same grey peacoat that everyone else has. Its just fucking uneventful and I have an idea to change that. Now this idea can only really apply to those who take public transportation to work (ie: NYC) because - surprise - it involves booze. And thus the idea:

Snow Sloshed Sluttiness (SSS)

It's 12:27 at work and snow is falling very heavily. You keep hitting the refresh button on your email, praying the higher ups have decided to pack it in and head home. They have already left to go home but send the email from their Blackberry. FINALLY! It comes and work is cancelled. In a normal world, you would get all geared up to brave the elements, head home, and curl up on the couch to watch movies all day. Blockbuster loves these days, but its time to man up. Hell - you aren't old yet. So instead you decide to embrace Snow Sloshed Sluttiness (SSS) which has 5 defining principles/steps:

- Go to a bar in walking distance
- Get drunk by any means possible (I recomend whiskey)
- Think you a drunk, get drunker just to make sure
- Find an attractive member of the opposite sex - make sure they are drunk
- Use bad pick up line, take said person home and go at it like rabbits

This may sound like your normal bar mating fance, but you must keep in mind one key fact. Work has been cancelled, most everything has been shut down as the city prepares to weather the storm. 95% of the storms are mild, but storms bring about a survival instinct somewhat similar to what you see in the movies like Armageddon, The Day After Tomorrow, Deep Impact, etc. Survival instinct is about food, clothing and procreation. You have food at the bar, clothing on your backs, and thus procreation is the only way to complete the trifecta. Procreation is easily facilitated by bars and alcohol. Thus the SSS theory plays on the drive towards procreation when a big snow storm hits. It easily puts everyone a six pack in and allows for so much moral casualness and 9 months from the snow storm produces some scandalous snow babies. My question is, why aren't you in a bar right now?

So next time you get hit by a snow storm, don't be old and go home hit the bar and be inappropriate. It what you must do to survive!

Brrr.....Beer....Brrr (its extra cold today)

An Office or a High School?

Great picture right??? HAHAHA

OK…so today was a long day at work. A real long day at work – like 13 hours with the only highlight being the comfy car ride home (we get car service if we work after 9 which is door to door). Today was one of the four days a year I have to balance to the books for my department. This isn’t hard because Excel has become so advanced, monkeys can do accounting – its just fucking tedious and my monkey, Marv, is on vacation in the Swiss Alps. So as I sit here reading emails from today and sipping on a lovely single malt scotch that was a Christmas present, I am inspired to put up my first post about work. As its late, and I can’t sleep for some reason – my apologies for the language in advance…hahaha

I work in NYC at an advertising firm. NYC advertising firms are an interesting environment. You often see them portrayed in movies/TV like Mad Men (awesome) and the countless movies that have the main character as a marketer. Each TV show/film has their own interpretation of the typical advertising office. Since I am not a film director or TV producer (thank god the strike is over!), this blog is my only avenue to portray my vision of the NYC ad firm. Essentially I work in an alcohol fueled, sex-driven, high school that doubles as a highly respectable advertising firm. There is nothing wrong with this. I love my job, the place & the people, but am just saying that there is more than meets the eye (much like Transformers).

A high school you say DP? Yup. We have all the critical elements of a high school – sports teams, clicks, gossip, prom, spring fling, but with a lot more booze. Now you can easily say that all offices have this and some do, but not to the level of maturity we do.

Sports Teams
Like a High School - Football, Softball, Soccer, Volleyball, Running. Not a full high school varsity, but impressive with nice jerseys, practices, games and all that jazz.

Chaotic side – there is drinking before games, during games, and of course after games. I have spent many a summer evenings patrolling center field with a Guinness can in my hand. It tastes great, but running with it is tough, not to mention the 95-degree weather. And that’s only warm ups. Try drinking a beer perinning in that heat. Doesn’t sound fun, but think of it like an athletic event. And the bar after the game…oh boy. The only time you are ridiculed (including the game), for not bringing your best is the bar after the game. You take more than 2 flips during a 10 person/side flip cup game and you gone quicker than a high school girl and a box of Franzia (yes I know which boxed wines are the worst). Eat less than 15 wings and you are instantly a pussy and relegated to levels lower than the ugly intern. At the end of the night, and yes you must make it several hours, co-mingling with other player’s teams is encouraged. It’s almost like a forced marriage is some far eastern country. You can give them all the secrets about your lineup or steal signs, but say a word about your work and you are toast. You fail to score with a member from an opposite team a couple weeks in a row and you are riding the pine no matter how far you can hit a softball. ABC – Always Be Closing.

Like a High School – We got them. Jocks (most of the people from above), Nerds, quiet kids, artsy/weird kids, overachievers, mean girls…

Chaotic side – clicks at work are so much more fun to watch. Not in a cool click at work? Nowhere near the problem of a high school clickless-existence. The true gem happens when you have turf wars – two clicks going against each other. It’s a cross between Office Space & Gangs of New York. Imagine this scenario – the nerds versus the mean girls. A nice guy from IT politely asks a tall, leggy blond from marketing is she wants to grab drinks after work. She laughs in his face – in the hallway – of the main lobby. And then its on – like Donkey Kong – in the Viet Cong. Warfare takes place at work where your income and livelihood are very dependent on your behavior. It is the ultimate practice of stealth. I don’t know why more marine covert ops soldiers aren’t recruited from our halls, but all the better. Turf wars are fun to watch, but if you are caught in one its fucking scary. The mean girls lack the normal creative side and launch a simple gossip and smear campaign trying to discredit the nerds. They don’t give a fuck because they own the company’s electronics. They can read your emails (yes – yours too!), check what websites you have been browsing (all that downloaded porn???), lock you out of things, and even send emails from you account. Next thing you know, your boss is wondering why you sent him a nasty email because he didn’t approve your $500 expense report for the “happy ending” when you took your client out to lunch – at a lovely Asian bistro….Fucking awesome.

Spring Fling/Prom
Like a high school – simple we have them except prom becomes a winter black tie party and spring fling is a summer party. Good times, all sponsored by the company.

Chaotic side – Alcohol. Need I say more??? You all understand. For the black tie event, the company lets everyone stop working at 2:00PM. The guys go to a bar or nearby apartment to get ready. This consists of 4 hours of drinking, bragging who they are going to slam that night (including the hottie from reception who has said hi to you everyday – what a naïve bastard!) and how no one will know. Yea – we are definitely going to get back to that one. The women go off and get their hair done, nails buffed, and all pieces of their body waxed – Brazilian wax ladies??? The sexes meet their dates prior to the party for a proper drink at a pre-determined cocktail party or bar choosing to have at least one drink while sober and speaking clearly to one another. On to the party – now this could be another post all together so I will keep it short. The party is basically a cycle of walking to the bar, stopping along the way to say hi to work colleagues, walking back, saying more hellos and then having to do it all together again. The smart ones pick a spot close to the bar, but don’t go crazy. You don’t want to be the first drunk one at the party. That guy/girl is always the first one talked about the next day not because they were drunk, but because they are a 4-beer-queer. The party gets more alcoholic and conversations get loaded with sexual innuendos. Steve in accounting is going to “run reports all over Jenny in HR”. Its fantastic. Party’s over and everyone heads to the after-party at a local bear. Lots of grinding and dancing. Debbie from accounting, who is quiet as a church mouse during the day, looks like she is going to show you the right way to do Dallas….except Dallas has become Mike from Marketing who has the biggest shit-eating grin ever. The night ends and everyone picks the closest available single member of the opposite sex to make a play at. Bad decisions are made all around and yet another company party is in the books. WAIT ITS NOT OVER! But, oh how I cherish the next morning. Everyone is hung-over and looks like shit, most people have found the common sense to make it home or at least shower and change clothes. There are a couple dumbasses/sluts who don’t change instead thinking if they tuck it all in and wet their hair no one will notice. EVERYONE NOTICES! When do you ever wear a tux to work on a Friday or decide a silver gown is ok for casual day? Even worse are those employees who decided to buy new clothes because they obviously didn’t sleep at home, but buy it out of the package with perfectly square packing wrinkles….The summer party is essentially the same, with less clothing and a whole lot of flashing. God bless strapless halter tops and morally casual women…your mother’s raised you just right.

Yea – we could make comparisons for hours, but who wants to read for hours. I am finally tired, having finished my scotch. I leave you with one bit of advice – morning staff meetings are always made better when you coffee of the Irish variety…


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thank God for PSEG Bills...

Thank god for PSEG. That's right - I am thanking the electric company (and whatever else they provide). This may not be the best story to tell, but at some point people reading this were bound to find out about my somewhat questionable actions when alcohol is involved. Some days its funny, actually very funny.

About 3-4 months ago (thats as detailed on timing as I can get) it was the fall and I was in the middle of a lovely couple of weeks of going out. My roommate, Tuna Titan was quick to point out it was because of the shirts I was wearing out. Anytime I wore a striped/checkered shirt the night would go fantastically either in the female arena or just plain drunken debauchery. It was like I had super powers. No matter what I did, how much I drank, or where I went women found me attractive. It was absolutely fantastic. One such night stands out...

It was a Saturday night and I decided to stay in town instead of venturing into NYC. It was the kind of Saturday night where you plan to go out, but don't make specific plans with anyone besides your roommate and one or two friends. Tuna Titan and I were going to do a little pre-game drinking and then head to the bar around the corner, which is great because it is an Irish bar thats huge and most of all has Buck Hunter. Buck Hunter has to be, by far, the greatest bar video game. You are drinking and then you get to pretend you are hunting. You need to be accurate with the gun, but you are also drinking. Most of all drunk men feel even more manly when they get to pretend hunt.

So there I am pounding back a mixture of random shots and Guinness having a blast when everyone and their Mom shows up. Everyone that lived nearby wound up at the same bar. Local friends. High School friends. College friends. This night went from normal to potential legendaryness as shot after shot was thrown back. Next thing I know its 1:00AM and everyone is getting good and sloshed (the normal British word for drunk which I think we should use more often here).

Enter "Short & Angry" (SA). The best way to describe her is the opening dialogue when I first saw her in the bar:

SA: Hey
DP: Hey, what's up (No I wasn't slurring just yet, but it was awfully close)
SA: You don't remember me do you?
DP: Of course I do. We were at [insert college here] together all four years
SA: OK, but you always looked down on me!
DP: Looked down on you??? Did you know me in college? I couldn't look down on anyone if I tried. However, I do look down on you now because I am tall and you are way shorter. So yes, I do look down on you unless you get stilts.

[Short & Angry storms off]

I proceed to continue drinking, playing Buck Hunter, and having just a grand old time till Short & Angry comes up to me about 45 minutes later. I am so drunk that I am playing Buck Hunter, but have turned around and am attempting to shoot people on the dance floor instead of the screen. Short & Angry and I talk for a couple minutes. I don't remember any of this, but it seems like I may have been charming because I do remember this:

DP: mrmrmrm....drunk.drunk.drunk (I don't know what I was saying)
SA: I am going to take you home and fuck your brains out.
DP [open jaw]: Check please!

I turn to the closest reliable friend to make sure this girl is at least moderately attractive. If not, thats why God invented light switches and I can just deal with it...

The rest of the night is blurred and comes in 45 second bursts/flashes of memory, which to this day, I still can't remember. I remember being walked back to SA's apartment needing to hold her hand to stand up. I remember her apartment and her bedroom. I am pretty sure she was wearing some kind of pink undergarment (boy shorts I thought). I remember seeing her girlfriend a lot too because they had different color hair. The rest of the night is lost forever to me, but the hilarity was the next morning.

Now you are thinking - Drunken Polar Bear, did you win the belt and achieve the unachievable (threesome?). I am going to say 95% no, but there is a 5% chance. If I had conclusive proof (pictures, video, etc) I would be shouting on the mountains of my conquest, but I had no idea. In a good bet, I probably passed out into an alcohol induced blackout. However, when I woke up the next morning at 6 AM, Short & Angry was in the bed next to me and her friend was sleeping on an air mattress at the base of her bed. I looked around, having no idea where I was and went back to sleep figuring it was a dream.

8:30AM roles around and my phone alarm goes off. I role over to turn it off and realize I am not in my room. I don't have 14 pillows of all pastel colors. My bed is not this comfortable and my room never smells this nice. Everyone has gone through this before at some point. You wake up and have no fucking clue where you are, like not even an iota or an ability to guess. I was a little frantic, but mostly hung-over and hungry. Was I close to a Dunkin Donuts? A Sausage Egg and Cheese would be great right now but first I have to get out of here. After about 5 minutes of looking around the room for pictures (my vision was still to blurry to recognize faces), I remember I went out last night, had a lot to drink and most likely went home with a young lady.

Now I am going all Bourne Ultimatum. I have woke up in a strange place and don't know what happened. Fortunately for me, and unlike Jason Bourne, I know my own name and haven't had two bullets pulled from me by a rusty Mediterranean ship captain. I start thinking of ways to figure out what happened and more importantly with who it happened. Nothing is coming to my mind and I am thinking about how quickly I can run to the door to get out of this apartment. Just when I think all hope is lost, I roll over in bed and hear a crinkle. Like the rustling of a paper bill. I am confused and hoping a note isn't stapled to my chest saying one of my kidneys has been taken and to call 911 (well we know they wouldn't take my liver). Thankfully there is no note stapled to my chest and it is just a bill. WAIT! A BILL! Bills have names and addresses - two essential pieces to get me home. I look at the bill and it is a PSEG bill. Name - check. Address - check (bonus points because I was still less than a mile from my apartment). Feeling relieved, I wonder how I could be sleeping on a PSEG bill and what the hell happened last night.

Finally, I get up and look for my clothes (as I am only in my camouflage boxers). Figuring things might have started a bit crazy before I blacked out, my clothes are probably spread all over the room. Not the case. My shoes/socks were lined up perfectly at the base of the bed, and my jeans, t-shirt, and dress shirt were folded nicely in a pile on the dresser along with keys, wallet and money. Did I sleep with a housekeeper or a soccer mom????

I walk out to the living room to find Short & Angry and hot friend having fallen asleep watching a taped episode of Grey's Anatomy. They wake up as I approach them on the couch:

SA: You're awake.
DP: Yup
SA: Ok
DP: I am going to run.
DP: Bye

That was it. The most awkward morning ever, made even more awkward by her friend just aimlessly staring at me. I walked out and did get some Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. I got home in one piece and its all thanks to the wonderful people at PSEG.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Maryland vs. New York - the Maturity Battle

Ok - time for a trifecta Saturday. Three posts only because my older brother, Baseball Banker asked me to prove that this is actually my blog. Maybe he thought the writing was just too great or the topics so revolutionary. I am just guessing he wanted me to write about him, but he never specified the subject.

Baltimore - New York. Not a great debate like Boston vs. NY or London vs. Paris. With a little luck I may give it some credibility, much on a different argument. So my older brother is about a year and half older than me. We look alike, played a lot of the same sports and have tons of other things in common. He went to college in Maryland (I won't say where because it may give away his identity) and I went to college in PA. After college he stayed down there and I came back to New York, my favorite place in the world. However, in the years after college things went differently. Nothing bad, but just different leading to another Drunken Polar Bear Theory which I call "Geographic Maturity Influence Curve" (GMIC for short) I don't have a graph yet for the GMIC curve, but one day when I am famous author (hahaha) I will publish it...

So what is the GMIC you ask? It basically explains the influence a city/area has on your maturity level. Let me use me (Drunken Polar Bear) and Baseball Banker as an example going back to the comparison method without giving away too much

DP: lives in the NYC area
BB: Lives in the Maryland area

DP: 24.5 years old
BB: just 26 years old

DP: Business job that lets me play Ping Pong, Legos, and drink at work daily when I only have to come in at 10 AM
BB: Regular business job that occasionally includes golf but he is at work early....

DP: Rents an apartment and uses public transportation/walks everywhere
BB: Owns a very nice house, car, and a killer entertainment center

DP: Sleeps at all hours, eats dinner late, shaving is optional
BB: Very structured lifestyle including regular meals and always looks pretty put together

DP: Drinks a good amount
BB: Drinks in moderation

DP: not married
BB: married (to the lovely Maryland Misses who is my age and makes the best crab dip this side of the Atlantic)

GMIC Scores:
Drunken Polar Bear: ~28/29
Baseball Banker: 25

The list goes on, but you get the point. Our GMIC scores are pretty different being we grew up the exact same. We are pretty much the same age, same upbringing, both went to good colleges, same everything except from what you can see above BB has his shit together and appears very very mature. Can we be that much different. I am not a general f*&# up, but on the life timeline he appears at least a decade ahead of me. Why do you ask? Well the GMIC. Baseball Banker lives in suburban Maryland outside of Baltimore. Things move a little bit slower down there and there is not as much pressure to live a NYC-stle life. I live in an urban setting, NYC - probably one of the fastest-paced cities in the world. Everything is expensive and trendy. Hell there are names for every damn neighborhood in NYC just so they could sounds cool. Am I close to marriage and all the Baseball Banker has - definitely no. Granted I haven't found my own Maryland Misses or New York Nymphet. The NYC GMIC doesn't really approve of settling down at such a young age. I don't necessarily disagree with this social norm, but I think its fun to observe. From completely rural settings the typical marriage age is young to very urban environments where the average marriage age is older. Its a fun phenomenon. Just figured I would share.

Based on where you live, what do you think your GMIC score is?

Exceptional - I Think Not!

What kind of Saturday would it be without two posts. Why two posts on a Saturday you ask? Well my roommate, Tuna Titan, has gone for the weekend, and I am talking to myself more often than normal. Increased internal dialogue leads to more posts...although this may be a shorter one.

Speaking of Tuna Titan, I came home from work the other day and there he was printing up resumes. This printing was going on with a wireless battery printer- which again was a technological amazement. But thats not the point. These resumes, filled with fantastic jobs and references, were being printed on "Exceptional Resume Paper". I kid you not, this was the name of the paper on the package. An odd name for resume paper, right?

Is there non-exceptional resume paper? Perhaps "Above Average Resume Paper"? Or "Satisfactory Resume Paper?" Or perhaps "Just-Usable Resume Paper?" You can see the list goes on. Here is my theory, having a good amount of marketing background. Tina Titan fell into a simple marketing trap. If you are looking for resume paper, you are going to and interview and want to make a good impression. Why would you buy anything less than exceptional? (unless they sold "Unbeatable Resume Paper"- which just may be a great idea) I looked at the paper and it was nice, but it was not exceptional. Exceptional resume paper, in my opinion, would be like a hologram the could play classic cartoons like He-Man, GI Joe, & Transformers. They may not go over well in an interview, but they would be a blast to watch while you are waiting to start your interview. Maybe HR would be so impressed by your cartoon exceptional paper that they will hire you on the spot. Interviews are basically elongated first impressions. You will do everything possible to make sure that you are exceptional. I feel bad for the idiot marketers who don't market their resume paper as exceptional. They just need to get with the times.

Taking this theory elsewhere, I wonder if the use of "exceptional" could be used elsewhere. Exceptional Big Macs (that would get sales up again), Exceptional Budweiser (get you drunk faster and make you more attractive? - wait beer already does that), Exceptional Pens (that double as light sabers?) You get the point.


College, Texting & Drunkeness

Its Saturday so this is going to be a long one, a very long one as I look below at the three pages I have written that started as just a couple of paragraphs – Grab a cup of coffee (or as NY’ers say it cawwfeee) and get comfortable. As I sit buried in a Panera, sharing a table with a complete stranger (who kindly offered to share his table with me and my laptop because pretty much every seat in this huge place is taken) a new topic has come to my mind. In my view around Panera, about 4-5 people are actively texting or playing with their phones which inspires me to take a little trip back in time to the far off time of 2003. There are a lot of college students in here doing work and trying to be sophisticated by drinking whatever coffee drink is coolest now, while I rely on good old faithful – Iced Black Coffee – the John Wayne of Coffees, but I digress. Back to 2003…

I was entering my junior year of college with much confidence. I had finally figured out the study habits that could allow me to just fly under the radar and allow me not to lose the scholarship I earned when I applied (as a side note I used to be smart in high school). I had successfully negotiated my way from making pizzas to working at a local/college bar called the Blue Snake. By the time junior year rolled around I had won a bartending job a couple nights a week. I would like to say it was by skill and charm, but mostly due to the fact that I would be the only student bartender (everyone else was locals), the boss liked the way I made pizzas, and I could effectively deal with the students on the hellish wing night. On the athletic front, I had managed to work to the top ranks of the schools crew team, along with my partner in crime, Trackpants. Trackpants was a year older than me and probably a lot smarter because he was a business school guy, but I never let him live down the fact that everyone told him he looked like my little brother. We had taken over the club crew team and were doing well. In short, my junior year was shaping up to be a pretty good year.

Now in a traditional story, you would expect to next read of a disastrous story or some event that required me to overcome overwhelming odds. There is none of that here. This is mainly a reflective story, which as a side effect makes me miss college. But lets get to the point before I lose my few readers. Although I wound up dating a girl for the entire second semester of my junior year (who was awesome), I was mostly a very active bachelor for the entire fall semester. You can take the word “active” however you would like it, but just remember I was a bartender and an upperclassman. I am not outstanding looking, but with the influence of alcohol and some really bad judgment I was able to woo a couple ladies. Thanks alcohol!! Like many other guys at my school weekends, which ran Thursday to Sunday, consisted off goofing off during the day and the going out and getting hammered at night. Nighttime drinking consisted of pregaming (at either a dorm room or at someone’s house/apartment), partying at a house/basement party, then either going to a bar (if you could get home), pizza, and then going home. During the entire night phone calls would be made back and forth with the “potential target” for the night, ie: a college co-ed. If you were really good, and some guys were you could juggle multiple “campaigns” a night, but had to avoid mixing the girls up as this was a small school. Even worse was the dreaded instance when a girl caught you on a night you were chasing here with another co-ed, instantly cock-blocking you from both opportunities.

This probably isn’t a revolutionary article to anyone reading this – this is what college was for anyone who graduated between 1999-2005, with one important distinction – no one really used the text message. Think about it. How much do you text now versus when you were in college? Phones were big and bulky, just smaller than the Zach Morris version. It wasn’t an obvious conclusion that just as everyone had kidneys they must have a cell phone. I personally didn’t get a cell phone until the month before I left for college and I didn’t even use it that much my freshman year in college. When you were out on a weekend you used you cell phone to call others with cell phones, but unless you were especially tech-savy there was no texting. We knew no other way and it seemed very normal.

Fast forward to 2008. Everyone has cell phones. My little cousins, who I don’t know the exact age of, got their first cell phones sometime around 4th/5th grade. Everyone has a cell phone regardless of age. Hell some people have two cell phones and a Blackberry. Not only that, but cell phones are getting smaller and way more advanced. I recently renewed my cell phone contract and was able to get a new phone. Now I am an easy guy to impress with technology. However, my new cell phone (which opens both ways) has Madden 2008, Internet browsing capability, and allows me to watch TV, comedy, music videos, news and best of all Sportscenter – and here is the kicker, its not an iPhone, iTouch or any of those new-fangled fancy phones. It’s just a regular phone. Coupled with what I call the “Cell Phone Infection” is the text message explosion. Everyone recognizes the text message beep from Verizon, and everyone gets tons of text messages. I recently had to move to the unlimited text message plan because I found I was sending 200 a month, which was absolutely astonishing since I don’t text nearly as much as my friends. Text has gone so far in that commercials for wireless providers focus just on texts. Even my dad learned how to text.

So I found myself asking – “What is the most significant contribution of the text message?” In 2.2 seconds I came up with the answer, “Drunken memory recall”. You spend a Friday or Saturday night out. There is dinner (with wine and beer), pregaming (with wine, beer, shots, and mixed drinks) and then going out (need I list everything we drink while out??). Like me you are a least buzzed, and probably very drunk. If you are in a relationship and without your other half you text message then endlessly about how much you miss them or about what you want to do to them sexually. Very amusing. Not as amusing as the world of the single text messager. The only thing that drunken people want more than dinner food/pizza is sex. Having a science degree I think it is some interaction of alcohol with your hormones, but nobody has ever attempted to study it. The drunken quest for sex is a very simple one. You search for willing bodies at the bar/party you are at. If this looks like a viable alternative, then you go after it – sometimes excessively which creeps out the other party.

When it looks like your immediate environment won’t support your drunken sexual drive, you turn to your phone and the fun starts. You search through your extensive list of contacts, thinking of which members of the opposite sex are still single, in your vicinity, and who you haven’t alienated or pissed off too much. You send them a text such as a “Hi!!!” where the extra denote your drunkenness. Maybe you customize the message by saying “Hey You!” or get bold and say “What you up to??” The real pros (and you know who you are), send this as a mass text to anywhere from 4-20 possible targets. This texting message method is called the “Fisherman method”. You throw out multiple lines/cast many nets and hope something/someone bites. Unlike a fisherman who need to catch lots to sustain their livelihood, you just need one. However, all a fisherman needs to is reel in the line or bring up the net. The “Fisherman Texter” needs to initiate playful banter convincing the other party that they are drunk, miss them, want to see them, arrange a place to meet and ultimately seal the deal. This task is further complicated by your BAC (blood alcohol content). The drunker you are, the more typos there are in your text and the harder it gets. Thank god for the wonderful person who invented T9.

NOTE: I am now on my second cup of black iced coffee and typing so fast the lady next to me keeps staring at me in some combination of curiosity, amazement and creepiness. Excellent.

How the rest of the night turns out is different for everyone. You could be successful in the bar you are in, successfully in picking up someone via text or can ultimately fail. Ultimate failure is the most dangerous scenario because you often find yourself texting those people in your “DO NOT TEXT” list like ex girlfriends/boyfriends. Regardless, the sun comes up the next morning. You have a hangover, a taste of pizza (or in my case Johnny Rockets) in your mouth. If someone is next to you, then you don’t need much clarification on what happened last night. If you wake up alone in your apartment or someone’s couch, you will most likely question what happened last night. I like to say I have developed an acute sense of finding my way home, using multiple methods of transportation, no matter how drunk I am. Just like a dog who strays from home. Some other professional drinkers have developed this ability. Cheers to you. You have a headache, grab a bottle of water/Gatorade and run through the checklist of last night:

“I got home, so that’s a big step” – SCORE!
“What did I eat last night” – this is easily found out my looking at your teeth or clothes
“Did I bring anyone home?”- Look around the apartment for people or clothes that aren’t yours
“How much did I drink” - How hung-over are you?
“Did I make an ass of myself” – Probably, but consult your roommate or friends

These simple questions may jog the memory of what you did last night, but ultimately everyone turns to their phone and checks two things – the call log and the message menu.

Who did you call?
- Roommate because you are lost/can’t get into your building
- Possible hook ups because you were too drunk to text after 12 drinks
- An ex or two leaving vague, weird messages that will only hurt the very miniscule friendship you have now
- Friends who were around because you wanted to stay out and close the bars
You check each call to see if you just left a message (~45 seconds) or if it was a 5-minute call that you had with an ex. Either way you don’t remember.

Who did you text?
Yes – text is amazing because everything you said and received is saved in your phone. It’s like a drunk CSI unit, nothing gets by it. You could have texted a haiku or limerick and it would have it saved. You can see that your texts in the beginning of the night were coherent and tame, but as the night goes on they get sloppy and sexually driven. Although you don’t remember them, your phone comes to the rescue by instantly bringing them back up. Ah the wonders of the cell phone. If only everything could be like this. Cell phones will get more advanced and in 5 years I wouldn’t be surprised if we could video-conference. What would be really cool would be the ability for your cell phone to monitor your BAC. With each text your signature would reveal how drunk you were. How cool would that be??

After re-reading this post, I realize it may not have been my best because it is freaking long with a lot of rambling and too much back-story. This is probably because all I have had today is black coffee and cheerios, but c’est la vie. The ultimate message from the post – cell phones help us recount and remember our drunken shame from previous nights. Maybe one day we will be able to hear our phone calls from previous nights. That would be hilarious.

And now the officially Drunken Polar Bear Sign off….


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stitches & One Night Stands

Well I got that first two posts out of the way so now on to the craziness. Stitches. One night stands. Two things. If you know me you may have heard me rattle about them before, but you have never thought about their connection – UNTIL TODAY!

- Pretty much everyone will have them at one point in their lives
One-night stands
- Pretty much everyone will have one sometime in their adult lives

- Leave scars
One night stands
- Leave emotional scars…

- You get stitches and everyone always asks what happened. This often leads to a fully drawn out story leading to dangerous behavior, and a gross error in judgment. Your family and friends shake their heads, offer sympathies, tell their own stitch stories, and tell you to keep your head up.
One night stands
- You have a one night stand and everyone always asks what happened. This often leads to a fully drawn out story leading to irresponsible behavior, and a gross error in judgment. Your friends (hopefully not your family) shake their heads, offer sympathies, tell their own one night stand stories, and tell you to keep you pants on.

Case in point. Stitches are like one night stands. How many times have you been stitched up…?

Boots, Boots, Boots

One post in and time to be a little scandalous. Boots. Not Timberlands, construction or ski boots. I am talking about heel-type boots, you know the sexy type women wear. Now I am not fashionable by any means. Even saying I have a modicum of style would be a stretch. Running shorts, Jeans, t-shirts, flip flops, a rollneck sweater, and two hoodies account for 95% of what's in my closet. However the recent "boot movement" has severely affected me. Let me elaborate.

I never had sisters, so I never understood women's fashion. The fact that the same dress can't be worn twice and that not all size 6's are the same and thus good jeans cost $250 still eludes me. Whenever it comes up at work, (where women outnumber me 2:1) I shake my head and accept that I probably spend too much on sports equipment and beer. However, its the shoes that get to me. Why do women need 50 pairs of shoes that cost $75 each. Do the math...carry the 4...divide by 9.2....take the exponential area under the curve...oh who cares....its a shit load of money that can be spent on a plasma TV.

Ok that was a huge digression. In sum I don't know anything about fashion, specifically women's fashion and their proclivity to buy expensive shoes. But this blog is about boots and oh, how glorious they are. I don't know if they are in style again or maybe I never saw boots before because women's shoe fashion in college consists of flip flops and 5 rotating pair of heels worn to what are dubbed "cocktail parties". But NYC is a mecca of for women with hot boots. There are all kinds - horse riding type riding boots, furry boots, patent leather, regular leather, up to the ankle, up to the calf, up to the knee (ohhhhh), you get the point.

Regardless, I very much appreciate this trend in women's fashion. It often is the cause of me walking directly into the back of other people on subway platforms, buses, side walks and the hallways at work. And I am not alone in this hazardous habit. On several occasions I have caught other men almost starting a domino effect on the morning commute. I fear one day it will causes a tragedy on the 7-train escalator which is something like 3 stories long. My question to the women of the boot world is why can't we wear this boots more often?

Granted men might stare a little more inappropriately when boots are present, but wearing them is a very altruistic action. Everyone is happier. In them women look great, their legs are accentuated and sometimes they make a cool clicking sound when you walk. Very sexy and men are happy. The apex of this happiness comes at a magical 2-3 week window. I have learned (through an involuntary 15 minute lecture) that fall/winter and basically any cold weather calls for boots because they are too hot to wear when its warm. This magical window occurs when winter is coming to an end, and its getting warmer. Its still cold enough to wear boots, but warm enough to drop the heavy sweaters, and long dresses. In part, its a perfect storm - skirts, tops and boots - basically perfection.

I was at a loss to nickname this 2-3 weeks. I tend to want to give everything a nickname. At first I thought of Whore-Bootuary (an obvious take on on the month of February). I imagine this name may not go over with some women. Then I thought of Boots Bonanza, but that sounds like a cheesy sale at a mattress store. Instead I turn to alliteration and Dr. Seuss influence naming this 2-3 week boot frenzy as:

Watchfully wild weeks of women walking in wonderment...

I don't have a snazzy Polar Bear Goodbye yet so..drink up!

****Those who did the math on the women's shoes - they average around $3,750 on shoes. This information is taken from the very reliable statistical research of my estimation.

Oh I forgot in the other two blogs - your comments (yes all 4 of my readers!) are appreciated. I don't yet know how it works, but its probably real easy.

Starting Things Off

OK….first post. This is a blog obviously and welcome to the four readers I have told to read it. Any others – welcome to the hysteria, entropy, and idiocy that is my mind. In that nature how bout a little 1:1 with me to get things started. So for the first post, I am going to interview myself.

Why the blog?
Why not…well that’s not the best answer so let me elaborate. I am goofy, very goofy. Most of the time my goofiness is confined to my own pysche and inner monologue (think of Zach Braff’s character talking to himself on Scrubs and that’s me), but now and then I venture to voice these thoughts. Most of the thoughts are laughed at and inane, but now and then I stumble upon a good theory, analogy or story. And what kind of guy would I be if I didn’t share these thoughts with you…

Who is the Drunk Polar Bear?
Well that is a complicated story, but in short I am the Polar Bear and now and then I tend to drink thus becoming the Drunk Polar Bear and also the time when I have all my good thoughts.

And the blog will be about what?
Anything and everything. Social theories, funny analogies, stories, observations, jokes, whatever crosses my mind.

What makes this junk different than other blogs?
Nothing….yet. But if you stay tuned something might just grab your eye.

Do you really have a split personality?
No, but isn’t it fun to write something as a drunk polar bear? Animals are funny (as all the Super Bowl Ads indicate) and drinking, in my opinion is fun as well some days.

Any other questions – nope and on with the show.