Saturday, February 9, 2008

Exceptional - I Think Not!

What kind of Saturday would it be without two posts. Why two posts on a Saturday you ask? Well my roommate, Tuna Titan, has gone for the weekend, and I am talking to myself more often than normal. Increased internal dialogue leads to more posts...although this may be a shorter one.

Speaking of Tuna Titan, I came home from work the other day and there he was printing up resumes. This printing was going on with a wireless battery printer- which again was a technological amazement. But thats not the point. These resumes, filled with fantastic jobs and references, were being printed on "Exceptional Resume Paper". I kid you not, this was the name of the paper on the package. An odd name for resume paper, right?

Is there non-exceptional resume paper? Perhaps "Above Average Resume Paper"? Or "Satisfactory Resume Paper?" Or perhaps "Just-Usable Resume Paper?" You can see the list goes on. Here is my theory, having a good amount of marketing background. Tina Titan fell into a simple marketing trap. If you are looking for resume paper, you are going to and interview and want to make a good impression. Why would you buy anything less than exceptional? (unless they sold "Unbeatable Resume Paper"- which just may be a great idea) I looked at the paper and it was nice, but it was not exceptional. Exceptional resume paper, in my opinion, would be like a hologram the could play classic cartoons like He-Man, GI Joe, & Transformers. They may not go over well in an interview, but they would be a blast to watch while you are waiting to start your interview. Maybe HR would be so impressed by your cartoon exceptional paper that they will hire you on the spot. Interviews are basically elongated first impressions. You will do everything possible to make sure that you are exceptional. I feel bad for the idiot marketers who don't market their resume paper as exceptional. They just need to get with the times.

Taking this theory elsewhere, I wonder if the use of "exceptional" could be used elsewhere. Exceptional Big Macs (that would get sales up again), Exceptional Budweiser (get you drunk faster and make you more attractive? - wait beer already does that), Exceptional Pens (that double as light sabers?) You get the point.


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