Saturday, February 9, 2008

Maryland vs. New York - the Maturity Battle

Ok - time for a trifecta Saturday. Three posts only because my older brother, Baseball Banker asked me to prove that this is actually my blog. Maybe he thought the writing was just too great or the topics so revolutionary. I am just guessing he wanted me to write about him, but he never specified the subject.

Baltimore - New York. Not a great debate like Boston vs. NY or London vs. Paris. With a little luck I may give it some credibility, much on a different argument. So my older brother is about a year and half older than me. We look alike, played a lot of the same sports and have tons of other things in common. He went to college in Maryland (I won't say where because it may give away his identity) and I went to college in PA. After college he stayed down there and I came back to New York, my favorite place in the world. However, in the years after college things went differently. Nothing bad, but just different leading to another Drunken Polar Bear Theory which I call "Geographic Maturity Influence Curve" (GMIC for short) I don't have a graph yet for the GMIC curve, but one day when I am famous author (hahaha) I will publish it...

So what is the GMIC you ask? It basically explains the influence a city/area has on your maturity level. Let me use me (Drunken Polar Bear) and Baseball Banker as an example going back to the comparison method without giving away too much

DP: lives in the NYC area
BB: Lives in the Maryland area

DP: 24.5 years old
BB: just 26 years old

DP: Business job that lets me play Ping Pong, Legos, and drink at work daily when I only have to come in at 10 AM
BB: Regular business job that occasionally includes golf but he is at work early....

DP: Rents an apartment and uses public transportation/walks everywhere
BB: Owns a very nice house, car, and a killer entertainment center

DP: Sleeps at all hours, eats dinner late, shaving is optional
BB: Very structured lifestyle including regular meals and always looks pretty put together

DP: Drinks a good amount
BB: Drinks in moderation

DP: not married
BB: married (to the lovely Maryland Misses who is my age and makes the best crab dip this side of the Atlantic)

GMIC Scores:
Drunken Polar Bear: ~28/29
Baseball Banker: 25

The list goes on, but you get the point. Our GMIC scores are pretty different being we grew up the exact same. We are pretty much the same age, same upbringing, both went to good colleges, same everything except from what you can see above BB has his shit together and appears very very mature. Can we be that much different. I am not a general f*&# up, but on the life timeline he appears at least a decade ahead of me. Why do you ask? Well the GMIC. Baseball Banker lives in suburban Maryland outside of Baltimore. Things move a little bit slower down there and there is not as much pressure to live a NYC-stle life. I live in an urban setting, NYC - probably one of the fastest-paced cities in the world. Everything is expensive and trendy. Hell there are names for every damn neighborhood in NYC just so they could sounds cool. Am I close to marriage and all the Baseball Banker has - definitely no. Granted I haven't found my own Maryland Misses or New York Nymphet. The NYC GMIC doesn't really approve of settling down at such a young age. I don't necessarily disagree with this social norm, but I think its fun to observe. From completely rural settings the typical marriage age is young to very urban environments where the average marriage age is older. Its a fun phenomenon. Just figured I would share.

Based on where you live, what do you think your GMIC score is?


Baseball Banker said...

Very interesting theory. BB and Maryland Misses have reviewed your theory and agree with everything, but you have left out one point. BB is also a better golfer and has two dogs.

The Drunk Polar Bear said...
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Anonymous said...

Interesting theory indeed however you forgot to include one additional thing.

Your younger brother is better than both of you.